Flushes in Cribbage are one of the more confusing aspects of the scoring, as they aren’t as consistent as the other scoring combinations. This article looks at what constitutes a cribbage flush during the different stages of the game, how much they’re worth, and answers a few flush related questions.
Cribbage Flush During the Pegging or Play
This is an easy one to start with because flushes are not scored during the play or the pegging.
If three cards of the same suit have been laid consecutively and a fourth or even a fifth is laid, this doesn’t earn any points. Flushes simply don’t exist during this phase of Cribbage. I don’t know why other than to say the rules simply don’t allow for it.
Cribbage Flush In the Show
In the show, four and five card flushes are allowed and earn 4 or 5 points, respectively. There is a difference, though, in where the cards need to be.
Normally, a four card combination in the show can include the starter card, like in a run, combination of 15 or four of a kind (double pair royal). That is, you can have three of the necessary cards in your hand plus the fourth as the starter. No so with a flush. To score a four card flush during the show, all four cards must be in the hand. (4 points)
If the hand contains a four card flush, then we look at the starter card. If it is also the same suit this scores a five card flush for 5 points.
So, during the show, to score a flush the hand must be all of the same suit.
Cribbage Flush in the Crib
If you were hoping there’d be one more thing to remember about flushes, good news! Scoring a flush in the crib varies slightly again.
With the crib hand, points are only awarded for a five card flush—all four in the crib hand plus the starter (5 points). Having a four card flush in the crib and starter in any combination doesn’t score anything.
Remember that to score a flush in Cribbage under any circumstances, all four cards in the hand or crib must be the same suit.
Is there a 3 Card Flush in Cribbage?
No. Unlike a run, three cards isn’t enough. The minimum for a flush is four cards.
Is there a Straight Flush in Cribbage?
There isn’t any special scoring for a straight flush, but a hand could contain those cards. Assuming the cards meet the above requirements for a flush, they would score for the flush and for the straight (run).
For example, during the show, a hand contains the A, 2, 3 & 4 of ♥. This scores 4 points for the run and 4 points for the flush for a total of 8.
Is there a Royal Flush in Cribbage?
No. A royal flush is a straight flush from the 10 to the Ace. In Cribbage, the Ace is low, so it can’t connect with the King in a run. However, a hand could still have those cards in it.
For example, the crib contains the J, Q, K & A of ♦ and the starter card is the 10 ♦. These cards make up a royal flush in poker. In Cribbage, it would score 5 points for the flush and 4 points for the run of 10, J, Q, K for a total of 9 points. The A doesn’t connect as part of the run.
I hope this has cleared up any confusion you had about getting a flush in Cribbage.