Holding the Cards

Games & Cards

Can Pawns Move Diagonally?

A pawn‘s movement is fairly simple, but it can still be a bit confusing. Here are some common questions around diagonal pawn movement.

Can Pawns Move Diagonally?

Sometimes. For normal moves, no, they only go straight ahead—1 or 2 squares on the first move and only 1 square after that. However, when capturing, a pawn moves diagonally forward 1 square. Here’s a visual on the pawn’s movement.

The pawn on the left moves forward 1 square, which is how pawns usually move. The second pawn from the left moves forward 2 squares because it’s the first time it has moved (it could also just move 1 square instead). The second pawn from the right shows how a pawn captures: 1 square diagonally forward where the “X”s are. The pawn on the right side has made it all the way to the other side of the board. The player now turns it into a queen, rook, bishop or knight.

A pawn also moves diagonally forward during the en passant capture.

Can Pawns Move Diagonally Without Capturing?

No. If a pawn isn’t capturing an enemy piece, it can only move straight ahead.

Can Pawns Move Diagonally Backwards?

No. There’s no situation where a pawn moves backwards in any way.

Can Pawns Move Diagonally On Their First Move?

Only if a pawn is capturing on its first move. Otherwise, it can only move forward 1 or 2 squares.

Can Pawns Move Diagonally To Become a Queen?

If a pawn enters the opponent’s back row by capturing a piece, it will move diagonally forward for the capture like always. Otherwise, it can only move straight forward into the back row.

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