A pawn‘s movement is fairly simple, but it can still be a bit confusing. Here are some common questions around diagonal pawn movement.
Can Pawns Move Diagonally?
Sometimes. For normal moves, no, they only go straight ahead—1 or 2 squares on the first move and only 1 square after that. However, when capturing, a pawn moves diagonally forward 1 square. Here’s a visual on the pawn’s movement.

A pawn also moves diagonally forward during the en passant capture.
Can Pawns Move Diagonally Without Capturing?
No. If a pawn isn’t capturing an enemy piece, it can only move straight ahead.
Can Pawns Move Diagonally Backwards?
No. There’s no situation where a pawn moves backwards in any way.
Can Pawns Move Diagonally On Their First Move?
Only if a pawn is capturing on its first move. Otherwise, it can only move forward 1 or 2 squares.
Can Pawns Move Diagonally To Become a Queen?
If a pawn enters the opponent’s back row by capturing a piece, it will move diagonally forward for the capture like always. Otherwise, it can only move straight forward into the back row.